In the name of Allah

Dear professors and respected researchers


Greetings and Regards;

With nearly three decades of continuous scientific efforts and the publication of 95 consecutive issues of the quarterly in the field of national identity and solidarity, the Scientific Research Quarterly of National Studies intends to dedicate two issues of its scientific quarterly to the topic of "Geopolitics, Iran and National Interests"; Therefore, it is proud to invite respected researchers to submit their weighty articles on the axes and topics determined below.

Suggested axes on the topic of "geopolitics, Iran and national interests"

1- Geopolitics and studies in the field of great cultural Iran;

2- Policy making and formulation of national strategy in the field of national unity of Iran;

3- The historical and political geography of Iran in the literary and geographical texts of the Islamic period;

4- Country divisions in Iran, existing and future policies;

5- Environmental and water challenges in Iran;

6- Border policies in Iran and new challenges;

7- Centralized government and political organization of space;

8- Regional organizations in Asia and the impact of new regional arrangements on Iran's national interests;

9- The issues of the Persian Gulf, the Sea of Oman and the Strait of Hormuz in terms of security, politics and economy;

10- South Caucasus; geopolitical, geoeconomic and geocultural opportunities and threats for Iran;

11- Afghanistan and the challenges of migration, smuggling and hydropolitics;

12- Türkiye and the Eastern Mediterranean, Ottomanism and Pan-Turkism and the future of Kemalism;

13- Energy and transportation corridors in the near vicinity of Iran;

14- Ethnic and religious extremisms in the region of Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Middle East, emphasizing its impact on Iran's national interests;

15- Transition to the new world order, the situation of Iran, the region and the world.


Important important points of respected professors and researchers

The articles should be compiled based on the writing style guide that is located on the National Studies Quarterly website and sent to the quarterly magazine through this portal.
Mr. Dr. Salar Seifaldini, the editor of these quarterly issues, will answer the questions of respected researchers with the email address .
No payment will be received for the publication of articles compiled based on the suggested topics.
The articles will be reviewed and evaluated scientifically by the editors and referees. Efforts are being made to speed up the evaluation process.
The deadline for submitting the article will be 25/12/1402.
Contact with the Quarterly office: 021-66415488- Quarterly website: