Goals and Scope:


  1. Preserving and strengthening the national identity, solidarity and cohesion;
  2. Strengthening the peaceful coexistence of the Iranian nation on the basis of Islamic-Iranian identity and the Constitution;
  3. Strengthening national identity and its elements as a social factor of national solidarity and unity in Iran.
  4. Strengthening and explaining the elements of Iranian civilization
  5. Strengthening and explaining the Islamic identity and the Shiite religion and its cohesive functions
  6. Presenting indigenous theories in the field of identity and national solidarity.
  7. Achieving the first rank of indigenous theorizing of national identity and solidarity and spreading it throughout the country.


- Having a coherent and convergent approach in identity discourse in the intellectual and executive fields;

- Having a special interest in the historical continuity of the Iranian nation and the geographical and cultural scope of the Iranian civilization;

- Relying on committed human resources and scholars, and committed to the approach of cohesion and national convergence.