Article submission guidelines

Sina-Web is an integrated system of scientific journals on the web,, and researchers can submit their articles online. All journal information, including the full text of the articles, information about the manager, editor, and editorial board, as well as the authors' guide, are available through this system.


Do the following steps in order:

First, click on the link of the desired magazine. The magazine site is designed in both Persian and English.

 It is mandatory to complete the items marked with an asterisk. Enter your complete information, preferably in Persian.


Enter your email address carefully. From now on, you will be contacted through this address. After completing and submitting the registration form, the username and password will be sent to your email address. To continue, log in using your username and password. After logging in, change your password. Note that it is not possible to change the username.

If you forget your password, enter your email address in the appropriate field. A new password will be sent to your address. It is recommended that you change your password after logging in.

Do not share your username and password with others. You are responsible for entering the correct information. Click on the personal information viewing link to change your profile or address.

Author's account pages

Submit a new article

To submit a new article, you must complete the following information:

- Select the type of article

Enter title:

Add author (s) information

- Enter the article abstract

- Add keywords

- Select a topic

-Additional description

-Accepting the terms and conditions of the journal

-Recommended reviewer

- Add files

-Write a letter to the editor, requesting review the article

-Checklist levels done

-Paste original article context.

-Submit tables, charts and pictures separately too.

-Complete article submission.

-View latest article status.

Authors’ guidelines

The National Studies Quarterly accepts and publishes articles under the following conditions:

First page:

1- Full title of the article, name and last name, scientific title (university degree, field of study, place of work or teaching), e-mail address and contact number of the author or authors.

2- Persian abstract in a maximum of 150 words,

3- Keywords (maximum 5 words).

4- If the article is taken from a thesis  or research project that the organization or institution has paid for the project, it should be included in the footer of the first page.


Second pages and next followings:

1- Introduction

2- Questions

3- Theoretical or conceptual framework (definition of concepts, hypotheses, theories explaining the subject, theoretical model)

4- Research method

5- Research results

6- The technique of Collect information, field of research, year of research, statistic and sample size

7- Summary and Conclusion

8- Notes

9- References

10- Summary according to the first page in English.

Formal features of the article

1-      The article is typed with Word software and must be sent through the Quarterly website up to 16-18 pages.

2-      The page layout should be in dimensions (top 2, bottom 10, left and right 4.5).

3-      References should be included in the text in Persian and in full (author's family name, year of publication: page or pages).

4-      Non-Persian words should be inserted inside the numbering text (tok) and insert Footnote.

5-      Post the footnotes to the end of the article and before the sources.

6-      References should be mentioned in alphabetical order at the end of the article, separately for Persian and non-Persian sources.

7- The list of references should be compiled as follows and added at the end of the article:

A)     Books: family name, name (year of publication); Book Title (Bold), Translator: Vol. Place of publication: Publisher.

B)    Articles: family name, name (year of publication); "Article Title", Journal Name (Bold), Volume, Journal Issue, Place of Publication: Pages that the article is dedicated to.

C)    Electronic resources: family name, name (date of visit the site or blog); Article or article title; Exact Internet address or access (CD, ...)

D)    (‍ Other sources: following common patterns in reputable scientific journals.